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  • Special Case Conference: Create – Address – Replenish – Educate

    by Matt Refghi  |  March 23, 2017

    On May 17th, 2017, Champlain, in collaboration with L’Association des éducatrices et éducateurs spécialisés du Québec (AEESQ) and the Quebec Association of Educators (QAE), will be a hosting a one-day Special Care Counselling conference titled “Create Address Replenish Educate.” It will start at 8:30am, and end at 3:45pm, with lunch included with registration. The conference will feature a number of a workshops, as well as a keynote address by Steven Atme.
    The Power of Believing Steven Atme was diagnosed with autism at the age of four. He faced many difficulties growing up; speaking, understanding and following directions. Today, Steven is a motivational speaker, composes, plays, and teaches piano. Steven Atme knows firsthand what it means to live with Autism. He will be sharing valuable life lessons with us. His goal is to highlight that people with disabilities do have strengths, though at times, not evident. It’s the educators’ responsibility to find and work with their strengths. This simple but significant change makes a critical difference in the life of a person with disabilities. So much more becomes possible.
    Registration will be free for all active Special Care Counselling RAC candidates, as well as students from Champlain’s regular SCC Continuing Education program – please contact Laura Malbogat for more information. The following workshop options will be available: 10:30am – 12:30pm

    Workshop A: Understanding ASD: What We Know and What We Don’t

    Presented by Marla Cable, Coordinator, Resource and Training Center, Giant Steps School In this workshop we will explore the differences in the autistic brain and how it affects learning and core difficulties such as communication,social skills and sensory integration. This workshop is intended for participants who would like to gain a basic understanding of autism. For participants interested in gaining more depth there is an afternoon session that builds on the morning workshop.

    Workshop B: Psychotherapy is Great, but Not a Magical Cure!

    Animated by: Kees Maas, PhD Psychologist Batshaw Youth and Family Centres (CIUSSS-OI) and Private Practice This presentation will explore the main reasons why clients in a child welfare agency are referred for psychotherapy. In addition, it will examine the importance of tailoring psychotherapy so it fits well in the global intervention process, including psycho-educational supports to the child and family. Clinical vignettes will illustrate therapies with youth suering from depression, anxiety, low impulse control. Special attention is given to the handling of suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury behaviors as well as to trauma related interventions.

    Workshop C: Connecting the Dots

    Animated by: Lori Rubin, English Montreal School Board, Behaviour Management Specialist Most of us have lives filled with many “dots” (family commitments, job or school-related tasks, recreational activities, etc…). The challenge is knowing how to “connect” all the dots in a coherent and meaningful way so we are in a position to help clients connect their dots. In this interactive workshop, Lori will use evidence-based research and share strategies and techniques participants may not have previously considered to educate and engage clients with special needs.
    1:30pm – 3:30pm

    Workshop D: Supporting a Student with Autism in the Classroom : Tips and Strategies

    Animated by: Marla Cable – Coordinator Resource and Training Center, Giant Steps School This interactive workshop will include case studies and group work to explore challenges and solutions in supporting clients in the autism spectrum. We will explore what works and identify the challenges in integration. Participants must have prior knowledge about autism and come with examples from their work experiences. Strategies for behavior management will also be addressed.

    Workshop E: Ghosts in the Nursery: Understanding and Treating Children and Families with Mental Health Issues

    Animated by: Donna Casa-Martin, BS in Ed Psychotherapist – Private practice Chair Person of the McGill Infant Mental Health Committee This workshop will address mental health issues frequently presented in young children and their families. Theoretical ideas from leaders in Infant Mental Health will be briefly discussed along with treatment methods such as The Incredible Years Program, Watch, Wait, and Wonder, a psychotherapy approach and The Circle of Security program. The importance of enhancing the child and parents relationship will be elaborated. Video and role plays will be included.

    Workshop F: Selecting Assistive Technology: Different Learning Challenges Require Different Solutions

    Animated by: Jillian Budd, M.A. Project Manager at Adaptech Research Network Assistive technology has the potential to change a student’s learning experience. As educators it is important to know not only what assistive technologies are available but which tool best meets the learning challenges a student faces. In this interactive workshop, participants will gain an understanding about different assistive technologies through software demonstrations and practice, case studies and group discussions.
    For more information about the event, including registration fees, see the following PDF. Individuals may also register online.

    Filed under: Special Care Counselling

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