Pour immigrants

Program Objective

The RAC for immigrants program was specifically designed for immigrants who have experience working in early childhood education and who are having difficulties integrating the Quebec workforce. The program’s objective is to help candidates gain an official, Canadian recognition of their competencies and to allow them to benefit from seminars that will help them integrate into the early childhood education workforce in Quebec.

Difficulties Immigrants Face

  • Lack of knowledge of the Quebec daycare programs and institutions
  • Linguistic difficulties (in French or/and in English)
  • No Quebec experience in ECE

Duration of the program

  • 21 weeks total, which includes a 224 hour stage.

Characteristics of the Curriculum Specifically Adapted to Immigrants


  • Each week, the candidates receive additional communication classes in French and in English. During these classes, the candidates practice the vocabulary related to the subject discussed in the seminar of that particular week (ex: during the week on Child Safety, they will discuss child safety in French and in English).
  • Each week, the candidates attend seminars that have been specifically prepared for immigrant candidates and they have classroom activities periods during which they prepare for their evaluations and their entry in the Quebec Childcare system under the guidance of a specialist. The seminars cover the competencies required to obtain the AEC (Attestation d’Études Collégiales) Early Childhood Education JEE.0K.


  • The candidates attend specialized seminars on the integration to the Quebec childcare system and workforce. Some of the subjects discussed are:
  • Childcare institutions and their organization in Quebec
  • Childcare institutions their organization in Quebec
  • The integration process
  • Perception and non-verbal communication
  • Workplace relationships in Quebec
  • The importance of networking in Quebec
  • The candidates also benefit from employment search seminars and activities during which they receive help with their Curriculum Vitae writing and cover letter writing, practice for job interviews, and get job search tips.

Measures for success:

  • The evaluations are done on-site, during the class week, and in the presence of a content specialist. The majority of the evaluations have an individual interview with a content specialist component and several evaluations are direct observation in the workplace during the stage hours.
  • The stage process starts early on (at week 4) and is progressive: at first it is only 2 days per week. This measure is to give the candidates the opportunity to review any situations that may arise during the stage and to discuss it with the content specialists and with their peers. It is also to allow the candidates to develop significant relationships with the children in their group.