
The Applied Business Development Program AEC (LCA.E7) is made of 9 competencies. To receive your AEC, you will have to be evaluated for all competencies. The competencies have been grouped in two categories:

Group 1: Sales and marketing competencies – 4 competencies

BJ3C Produce a business model and strategy to go from new idea to successful execution.
BJ4C Identify market demand and create integrated marketing strategies to establish a brand.
BJ5C Produce a sales strategy in order to sell a product solution.
BJ6C Promote the organization’s activities through the use of social media and other networking technologies.

Group 2: Management competencies – 5 competencies

BJ7C Identify practical solutions to common legal situations and challenges faced by a business.
BJ8C Make business decisions using basic accounting and financial concepts.
BJ9C Develop and manage a plan for human resources.
BJ0D Implement systems and processes which contribute to operational efficiency and success.
BJ1D Manage business growth and plan for successful succession/exit.
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