Lucilia Miranda

Graduate - Special Care Counselling


Lucilia Miranda

My name is Lucilia Miranda, and I’m on Special Care Counselling.

Question: What did you think of RAC’s scheduling?

Because I work sometimes daytime, sometimes night time, it was very good for me. And I didn’t have to be in class with everybody else. That means they adapt to you, and if I’m alone with another student that cannot come special day, special time, well they arrange for us. And it’s very easy and I’m very happy about that. And that’s why I got to finish. Because of the schedule.

Question: What was the most attractive aspect of RAC, to you?

What I like the most is they recognize already what you know, and they give you the experience of what you don’t know. What you need to learn, they give it to you – let’s say you have some courses and some experience, they can recognize you. And that’s what I like a lot too.

Portuguese testimonial – English subtitles

Portuguese: “Bom dia, o meu nome é Lucilia Miranda, eu sou portuguesa, de Sâo Miguel, Açores, e estou aqui no canada jà há 45 anos. A RAC para mim era muito importante, porque eu trabalho no CLSC. Sou auxiliare familiar e social, ja ha mais de quinze anos, e a rac reconheceu a minha experienca, os meus diplomas, porque eu tenho um diploma da universidade de montreal, e tenho um diploma d’etudes secondaires, e um curso de auxiliare familiale et sociale. eu trabalho no ClSC desde ha quinze anos. Mas eu gostava de fazer outro trabalho. so a RAC deu-me a experienca que eu nao tinha e reconheceu os meus cursos, eu nao precisei de fazer os cursos todos todos todos de éducation spécialisée, de special care counseling. e ajudou muito, e tambem os horarios, os horarios e muito bom porque nao e preciso estar com os alunos todos, se e preciso por exemplo: eu estou a trabalhar de dia, os cursos sao de dia, e eu nao posso ir aquele dia… os professores, eles vao se arranjar para me dar a hora e o dia que eu posso, e tem um professor para me ajudar, eu posso ter um professor sozinha, ou com duas, ou tres alunas, e isso é muito importante. podemos trabalhar de dia, podemos trabalhar de noite, e podemos acabar a escola. voilà ja acabei, obrigado!”

English: “Hi, my name is Lucilia Miranda. I am Portuguese, from Sao Miguel in the Azores. I’ve been living in Canada for 45 years now. RAC was very important for me, because I work in a CLSC. I’ve been an “Auxiliaire familiale et sociale” for over 15 years, and RAC recognized my work experience, my diplomas – I have a diploma from the University of Montreal, and I have a High School Diploma, as well as a “Auxiliaire familiale et sociale” professional diploma . I’ve been working at the CLSC for 15 years, but I’d like to do something else. So RAC gave me the experience I didn’t have and recognized my diplomas, allowing me not to have to take every single course for the Education Spécialisée, for Special Care Counselling. RAC helped a lot, and the schedule was very good as well. It was very good because I did not need to be in with all the students. For example: I work during the day, the classes are during the day, and I wasn’t able to go that day… well, the teachers would find a way to accommodate me and find a time and day when I would be able to meet with them. They would have a teacher available to help me, and it could be a one-on-one session, or with two or three other students. And that is very important. We can work day shifts, we can work night shifts, and we can finish school! — There you go! I’m done! Thank you!”


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